In January of 1997, Mike, a new client with Aukema & Company P.C., received a phone call from his accountant. Mike was instantly concerned. Previous accountants had never requested a meeting to go over his year-end results. He usually just received the forms in the mail, signed them, and that was the last he heard from his accountants until the next return was due.
After being assured by his new accountant that this was the usual procedure at Aukema & Company P.C., and that nothing was wrong, Mike made an appointment.
The meeting was a real eye-opener for Mike. He learned that at Aukema & Company, P.C., a financial statement is a tool, not a necessary evil. His new accountant explained every section of the financial statement to him, and showed him how to use the information contained within the statement to make better business decisions throughout the year. And he was promised another phone call at mid-year to check on how things were going, and to see if there were any issues that needed to be addressed before the year-end.
As he left the meeting, Mike realized that he experienced a comfort level about his finances that he’d never known before. Not only was the financial statement much clearer to him, but he was able to see how it fit into his business plan, and how to work on certain things that didn’t fit. For the first time since starting his business, Mike felt confident in the financial side of his business – and sure that his business would grow even stronger based on what he’d learned with Aukema & Company, P.C.
The goal of Aukema & Company, P.C. is to educate each client so they can use their financial statement as a tool to manage their business. This goal is what sets them apart from other accounting firms.